Edinburg High School -Class of 1988 -35 Year Reunion
Kathy Flores-Ramirez
Hi Everyone! Boy, do I feel old writing this. (That one was for you Roy)
My wonderful husband's name is Alex & we have been married for 9 years. He has been a Mesa Police Officer for 8 years. Trust me he keeps me in line!!! (now that comment will start plenty of jokes & chisme!)
It took us 6 years...but we are parents. Her name is Alejandra (named after her dad) & she is now 3.
I have been a stay home since she was born & also have taking care of my mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Recently, I have ventured out & started my own internet business....Southwest Diva. Check us out! www.SouthwestDiva.com I have been having a lot of fun with this...& realized that I need be around adults & not just 3 year olds all the time!
My family & I will not be attending our 20th. But I wanted to explain why & to squash any other reasons. Alex's only brother, who is 25, has terminal cancer. We were told it was just a matter of time. With that, he has created a "To Do" list, which we are trying to assist him & completing it.
Thanks for including us...I wish you ALL the best! Have fun...not to much Richard! & becareful!
Always a Bobcat...but Now a SunDevil~Kathy